SGT Super-CleanTM filters are designed to be used on all of GC gas lines to deliver 99.9999% pure gas. The system is tested for leak-tightness and the glass and metal construction of the cartridges eliminates diffusion of contaminants into the gas stream. Filters are available for oxygen, moisture and hydrocarbons. The Fuel filter removes both moisture and hydrocarbons. The Triple filter removes moisture, hydrocarbons and oxygen and available purged with Argon for standard applications or purged with Helium or Hydrogen for MS applications. Estimated lifetime is typical more than 2 years. Filter with a dimension of 24 x 4.4cm features a quick change baseplate/cartridge design. During cartridge replacement, check valves close off the system to the atmosphere, further minimizing the entry of contaminants. Cartridges can be exchanged within seconds, during analysis, and without tools. 1-, 2-, 3-, or 4-position baseplates are available and will accept any of the GC filter cartridges.